Autism recovered?

Medical experts say it's not possible to recover autism. We have living proof in the form of three children, that it IS possible. In my blog you will find recovery stories, along with information regarding health that I have learned over the years. And sometimes just snippets of life to give hope that yes, life can be normal after the hard work is done.

Sit back, enjoy, and be hopeful! RECOVERY HAPPENS!

**Kids names have been changed to protect the innocent and naughty alike. ;)

Saturday, February 25, 2012


If you haven't heard of Pinterest, you're not up on the times.  :)   It's the ultimate find-a-craft place on the internet.  Actually it's for much more than that but I do love collecting the crafty things and then doing them.  So last night DH and I went on a date and bought the supplies for this craft:

(Picture from Pinterest - unknown original source.  If you know where this came from, let me know and I'll link it.)

See, fairy in a bottle!  It's actually supposed to be a fairy in a bottle but when you follow the directions

1. Cut a glow stick (necklace) and shake the contents into a jar. Add diamond glitter
2. Seal the top with a lid.
3. Shake.

It doesn't come out all magical and adorable like that picture; it comes out looking like this:

 It's all sticky and definitely not magical.  lol  However, it did glow and that's the important thing for little girls who love fairies.  My girls love their jar of fairy dust but were perplexed about how the fairies got away and all I ended up with was dust.  Alas, they like it anyway so it's worth it; I was just disappointed in the fact that it is not a free floating dust.

But today we did another craft I discovered on Pinterest.  I was going to try to have this ready for my son at Christmas but with my father-in-law's illness & death, I could not focus on a craft for the months of Dec. &  January.  But today seemed like a good day to try it. 

Here are some scary, yet oddly adorable monster bookmarks.  Source is here!  This was crazy easy to make and thanks to a friend, I already had the template so that made it even easier.  Here is our final result:

Aren't they cute?!?!   We are frequently stealing each others books and hiding them or changing bookmarked pages in each others books...these scary fellows may be able to curtail that habit.  We shall see...

So there's what we're crafting today.  I hope all my readers are having a wonderful Saturday!

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