Autism recovered?

Medical experts say it's not possible to recover autism. We have living proof in the form of three children, that it IS possible. In my blog you will find recovery stories, along with information regarding health that I have learned over the years. And sometimes just snippets of life to give hope that yes, life can be normal after the hard work is done.

Sit back, enjoy, and be hopeful! RECOVERY HAPPENS!

**Kids names have been changed to protect the innocent and naughty alike. ;)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Random pictures from the month of August

We started school, made a trip to visit family, had nerf gun wars and made monster pants.  :)  It's been busy!

First day of school is always more play than work.  They get to fill out a paper listing their age, weight, height, favorite color, book, movie, song and what they want to be when they grow up.  Then we take this picture in the same place so we can see the growth.  ;)

 nerf gun war destruction

Daddy helping Grace with school work

Tony showing the girls some cool stuff.  (I hope our chiropractor doesn't see the way Grace is sitting!)

Tony's monster pants

Daddy getting some good smoochies

Tarzan(ette) or is that Jane?

Tony making faces at the camera


And there's that.  I'll try to be better about posting this month.  At least I need to get our curriculum posted!  I need a clone.  :D  Anyone know where I can get one?

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